專業範疇 | 課程/開辦院校 | 課程簡介 | 查詢 |
社福 | 社會工作社會科學碩士課程/香港浸會大學 | 課程為已持有學士學位、希望成為香港註冊社工的人士而設,着重培育學員的社會工作知識、技巧,以及價值觀與態度。 | 3411 7151 |
社會科學碩士(輔導學)課程/香港城市大學 | It aims to develop the competence of professional practitioners working in a broad range of human services by offering professional and advanced education in counselling. All graduates after 2004 could be eligible to apply for a full membership at Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association. | 3442 8991 | |
Master of Social Sciences in Psychology/香港樹仁大學 | It sets out to provide an education for students who are holders of Bachelor’s degrees with Honours in fields other than psychology who have an interest in gaining psychological knowledge. It will also serve as the first step for those who intend to pursue Master’s level education or above in the field of psychology in Hong Kong or overseas. | 2806 5197 | |
Master of Expressive Arts Therapy/香港大學 | It aims to cultivate competent clinical and educational specialists ready to lead the development of the field of expressive arts therapy in Hong Kong and Asia. Graduates are eligible for professional registration as a Registered Arts Therapist with the Australian, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapies Association upon completion of 750 practicum hours. | 2831 5166 | |
醫護 | 物理治療學碩士學位課程/香港理工大學 | It is to equip students to become qualified physiotherapists who can practice physiotherapy autonomously, safely and effectively in different settings, and to meet the health care needs of society. | 2766 5398 |
中醫學碩士學位課程/香港中文大學 | 此課程為全港唯一被香港中醫藥管理委員會認可的中醫全日制碩士課程,為有志於修讀中醫學理論及臨牀課程之非中醫專業大學畢業生提供專業訓練,畢業生可申請參加香港中醫藥管理委員會中醫執業資格試。 | 3943 5516 | |
教育 | 學位教師教育深造文憑(小學/中學/幼兒教育/專業及職業教育)/香港教育大學 | Graduates of the University’s teacher education programmes are eligible to become fully qualified and registered teachers. | 2948 6886 |
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Teaching Chinese as a Second Language) | It is specially designed for postgraduate students to deepen their understanding of applied English linguistics as well as theories and practices of English language learning and teaching. Graduates of this programme may use this qualification as a component of the qualification requirements stipulated by the Education Bureau of the Hong Kong Government for English language teachers in local schools. | 2768 5821 |