非本地獎學金 | 獎學金計劃簡介/查詢 |
澳洲政府獎學金 | Australia Awards are prestigious international Scholarships and Fellowships funded by the Australian Government. They offer the next generation of global leaders an opportunity to undertake study, research and professional development in Australia and for high-achieving Australians to do the same overseas. |
香港校友會聯會獎學金 | It was set up to assist qualified top students from Hong Kong who are in financial need to attend undergraduate programs in US universities. This scholarship is awarded for a maximum of 4 years. |
香港卓越獎學金計劃 | 計劃旨在資助本地傑出學生於香港境外升讀世界知名大學。 |
柏立基爵士信託基金獎學金 | 提供獎學金給個別人士在本港或海外院校修讀研究生課程或參與其他訓練計劃。 |
香港賽馬會音樂及舞蹈信託基金 | 推廣本地在音樂和舞蹈方面的教育和訓練,讓才華出眾的青年音樂家及舞蹈家離港繼續進修。 |
日本政府(文部科學省)獎學金 | 分為學部留學生(本科生)、專修學校留學生兩項獎學金,目的是向有意在日本的國立大學深造/專修學校學習的港生提供機會;給予他們進修學業所需的協助;促進國際間在教育、科學及文化方面的交流;以及加強日本與香港彼此的了解和合作。 |