課程名稱/開辦機構 | 課程簡介 | 查詢 |
臨牀老人學與寧養關顧理學碩士課程/香港中文大學 | To provide knowledge and training for professionals involved in the care of older people and in end-of-life care in diverse settings. The core programme covers a wide range of topics in biological, social, biological and clinical gerontology. It also covers service models for older people and palliative care, and ethical principles in elderly and end-of-life care. The optional programme in clinical gerontology will cover epidemiology, research methodology and clinical topics in geriatric medicine while the optional programme in end of life care will cover symptom control and medical care of people at end of life. The project and case studies will train the students in the application of knowledge and in the planning and execution of scientific enquiry or service improvement. | 9168 7005 www.cuhk.edu.hk |
Master of Social Sciences in the field of Gerontology/香港大學 | The programme aims at promoting innovative teaching and learning in gerontology, as well as contributing to the development of ageing societies worldwide, and cultivating leaders in elderly-related policy and aged-care services. | 3917 2073/3917 2075 http://www.hku.hk |
智能安老及老年學理學碩士課程/香港都會大學與嶺南大學合辦 | 課程旨在提倡積極健康樂頤年的理念,以及培育具備老年學、生命科學及資訊科技知識的專才,填補社會上對有關人才的持續需求。此外,課程更在社會學的領域上,建議有關老年學的創新學與教方法。 | 2768 6606/2616 7435 www.hkmu.edu.hk/https://ln.edu.hk |
應用老年學(榮譽)理學士課程/東華學院 | 課程旨在培育學生在多元的應用老年學環境中所需的知識、技能、價值觀和態度;培養學生於實務上的倫理、責任感與關懷特質;為學生提供在實務環境中運用老年學和跨學科知識的機會;和發展學生對專業及個人發展的興趣和技能。內容採用多元導向及結合學院的優勢領域,包括管理、醫療保健及社會科學等。 | 3190 6678 www.twc.edu.hk |