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社會工作學士(榮譽)學位課程/香港浸會大學 |
課程旨在培養具有專業知識、技巧和價值的社工,使畢業生能秉持靈活、求是、創新、專業及關懷的精神,有效地迎合大眾對社會服務的需求。 | 3411 7105 https://www.hkbu.edu.hk |
社會工作學學士課程/香港大學 | 課程涵蓋廣泛的核心領域,包括社會福利和社會政策、專業的社會工作理論和實踐、人類行為和社會環境、研究、法律、社會學和心理學。學生可透過技巧實驗科目和問題導向學習,將理論加以融會貫通,並在實習中把社會工作技巧實踐。學生完成課程後,即可獲得專業認可的社會工作者資格。 | 3917 2097 https://www.hku.hk |
社會工作(榮譽)文學士學位課程/香港理工大學 | The programme prepares students to develop a solid foundation and discipline-specific knowledge in social sciences and social work, a repertoire of professional competence and skills, a firm commitment to social justice, ethical and social responsibilities and a humanitarian orientation. | 2766 5773 https://www.polyu.edu.hk |
社會科學學士(社會工作)課程/香港城市大學 | It integrates a liberal arts perspective to enrich students’ understanding of the person-in-environment context of professional practice, with a critical analysis and assessment of interpersonal, bio-psycho-social, cultural, and environmental factors. By explaining the use of comparative theories to work with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities, and applying the knowledge and skills of generalist social work practice with systems of all sizes, students can become competent, reflective, and ethical social work practitioners, capable of carrying out well-prepared professional practice for diverse clients and social groups. Upon completing the programme, students are qualified to become registered social workers. | 3442 8991 https://www.cityu.edu.hk |
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) Programme/香港樹仁大學 | The program has adopted a generic knowledge building approach with emphasis on practical skills and practice. The core requirements spread through over four years covering introduction to social welfare and social work, theories and methods working with individuals, families and neighborhoods, program evaluation and social policy planning, practice seminar and self-understanding. Students are required to choose specific areas related to for instance: youth engagement, rehabilitation and integration, school social work, mental health, family counseling and ethnic minorities. Together with the three fieldwork placements and the honors research project, students will be able to acquire a strong academic and practice foundation, allowing them to become competent and compassionate social workers. | 2570 7110 https://www.hksyu.edu |