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課程設計着重社會工作理論與實踐技巧的結合,以及培育同學對社會及服務使用者的熱誠。完成課程後,畢業生將獲取認可的專業註冊社工資歷,並成為一個負責任及關懷社會的社會福利界前線工作者。課程除了裝備學生擁有社會工作者的能力外,亦為他們未來繼續進修,建立基礎。 3702 4532

社會工作(榮譽)學士課程/香港樹仁大學 It has adopted a generic knowledge building approach with emphasis on practical skills and practice. The core requirements spread through over four years covering introduction to social welfare and social work, theories and methods working with individuals, families and neighborhoods, program evaluation and social policy planning, practice seminar and self-understanding. It offers three internships, instead of the usual two, for our students. These three fieldwork practicum provide students with additional opportunities and exposure in the social service sector, enhancing their integrating of knowledge with practical skills.  

2570 7110



社會工作學士(榮譽)學位課程/香港浸會大學 .課程旨在培養具有專業知識、技巧和價值的社工,使畢業生能秉持靈活、求是、創新、專業及關懷的精神,有效地迎合大眾對社會服務的需求。課程獲國際社會工作專業機構認可,畢業生也可以在香港社會工作者註冊局申請成為註冊社工。
3411 7847

Bachelor of Social Work/香港大學 This programme enables you to earn a professionally recognised qualification as a social worker. The multidisciplinary course draws from diverse areas to create a solid foundation of knowledge in this important field. Test your theories through insightful fieldwork placements in Hong Kong or overseas. 3917 20973917 4732
