課程名稱/開辦機構 | 課程簡介 | 查詢 |
計算機科學理科碩士課程/香港大學 | The Master of Science in Computer Science curriculum offers the option of four focused streams of study, a general one and specialised streams in Financial Computing, Multimedia Computing and Information Security. | 3917 1828 |
深造證書(資訊保安)課程/香港城市大學 | It is designed to provide IT professionals with a solid background in the theory and practice of information security. The student will acquire in-depth understanding of state-of-the-art techniques in the design of secure information systems, encompassing issues in the protection of data during processing, storage and transmission, and the implementation of secure computer systems and networks. | 3442 8580 |
計算機科學理學碩士課程/香港中文大學 | 課程旨在教授碩士層次的計算機科學知識,包括讓學生:掌握最先進的資訊科技技術、新興的軟件科技,以及計算機科學的最新研究主題、了解、分析、管理、處理真實生活的工作場所中面對的資訊科技問題、留意計算機科學,以及國際以至本地計算機行業的最新發展。 | 3943 8485 |
資訊科技管理理學碩士課程/香港浸會大學 | 課程旨在培育資訊科技管理人才,讓同學掌握先進的資訊科技及管理知識、及將這些科技及管理知識融匯貫通。 | 3411 7079 |
資訊系統理學碩士學位課程/香港理工大學 | It aims to provide management and business professionals with the knowledge, skills and confidence in the application of information systems within an organisation, | 3400 3145 |
理學碩士(大數據科技)課程/香港科技大學 | 課程旨在教導學員瞭解大數據和其相關方面,使學員熟悉大數據系統的作業流程和其對社會的影響。 | 2358 5773 |