課程名稱/開辦院校 | 課程簡介 | 查詢 |
國際專業調解員培訓證書課程/國際爭議解決及專業談判研究院 | 課程針對律師、法律行政人員、仲裁員、調解員、學者而設,旨在為應對企業對跨境/國際爭議解決服務之需求而設的高階專業培訓,推動企業廣泛使用調解解決紛爭,並促進大灣區、一帶一路及國際化戰略發展。 | |
Accredited Family Mediation Training/香港家庭福利會 | To meet the increasing needs of dissolving and conflictual families in society, the training is aimed at developing accredited and quality family mediators for handling different kinds of family disputes in relation to divorce, separation and conflicts between/among family members with professional family mediation skills and knowledge. | 2561 9229 |
解決爭議替代方式證書課程/香港中文大學專業進修學院 | There are 4 modules in the Programme:
2209 0416/2209 0422 |
教師專業進修課程證書 (溝通、調解與投訴管理)/香港教育大學 | 課程旨在探討於處理投訴時,如何為各方構建一個雙贏的局面,以及在學校建立一個公平、公正和公開的管理投訴機制。課程包括三個科目:家長與學校的夥伴合作、學校投訴的管理,以及學校投訴的調解。 | 2948 8476 |
香港法律與社會服務證書課程—《道歉法》及調解篇/香港專業培訓學會 | 課程將以涉及社會服務及醫護人員專業操守的個案為切入點,除了討論在個案中相關的法律和專業操守問題外,更會運用角色扮演和經驗分享等手法帶出《道歉法》和調解的概念及運用技巧。 | 3111 0264 |
仲裁及調解深造文憑課程/香港大學專業進修學院 | The programme aims to provide professional training in alternative dispute resolution, including arbitration and mediation, in particular the principles and practices of arbitration and mediation. It provides training on the application of these alternative dispute resolution methods in some identified fields including international trade, business transactions, construction, shipping, and the use of mediation in more domestic cases in housing management, family matters etc. | 2508 8864 |