部分社工課程 |
課程名稱/開辦機構 | 課程簡介 | 查詢 | |||
社會工作高級文憑課程/明愛專上學院 | 課程設計着重社會工作理論與實踐技巧的結合,以及培育同學對社會及服務使用者的熱誠,裝備他們擁有社會工作者的能力外,亦為他們未來繼續進修建立基礎。畢業生將獲取認可的專業註冊社工資歷,並成為一個負責任及關懷社會的社會福利界前線工作者。 | 3702 4388 | |||
社會科學副學士(社會工作)課程/香港伍倫貢學院 | Main subject areas as below: .Understanding Human Growth and Behaviour .Administrative Practices and Programme Management .Social Policy and Social Welfare in Hong Kong .Social Work professional knowledge and skills .Elective courses to focus upon working with specific groups of service users .Field practicums |
3442 9764 www.uowchk.edu.hk |
社會工作(榮譽)文學士學位課程/香港理工大學 | It prepares students to develop a solid foundation of discipline-specific knowledge of social sciences and social work, a repertoire of professional competence and skills, a firm commitment to social justice, a sense of ethical and social responsibility and a humanitarian orientation. Graduates are well equipped to flexibly and creatively use information, knowledge, theories and resources. | 2766 5867 www.polyu.edu.hk |
社會工作(榮譽)學士課程/香港樹仁大學 | It has adopted a generic knowledge building approach with emphasis on practical skills and practice. The core requirements spread through over 4 years covering introduction to social welfare and social work, theories and methods working with individuals, families and neighborhoods, program evaluation and social policy planning, practice seminar and self-understanding. | 2570 7110 | |||
社會工作社會科學碩士課程/香港中文大學 | 課程特別為有志投身社會工作事業的非社會工作學士畢業生而設,畢業後可於香港成為註冊社工。課程着重社工知識及技巧的傳授,以及培育學生社工價值及社工專業道德。另外,學生必須於兩間不同服務性質的社會福利機構接受督導式的實習訓練。 | 3943 7556 www.cuhk.edu.hk |
Master of Social Work/香港大學 | It prepares students to be leaders in the fields of clinical social work and social administration and be change agents in family, community, organisation, and society. Our graduates are eligible for professional registration with the Hong Kong Social Workers Registration Board. | 3917 5014 / 3917 4979 www.hku.hk/ |