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課程旨在培育學生有效地晉身時裝設計及產品開發行業,課程着重創意培訓及實習。通過時裝表演、專題習作、設計比賽、國際交流活動及實習,從而提高學生在時裝設計意念、紙樣繪製及成衣車縫的技巧。課程提供針織設計及時裝配飾設計分流,給學生一個更全面的學習範疇以迎合市場之需求。 2897 6111
時裝(榮譽)文學士組合課程(時裝設計/針織時裝設計/內衣及運動服裝/時裝商務/時裝創新及科技):香港理工大學 The overall aim of the programme is to train competent professionals for the fashion business, equipping them to work in textiles, apparel, retailing, design, and related organisations. Graduates play an active role in the development of the global fashion and textiles industry in local and overseas markets. In addition to cultivating students’ professional competencies, the programme enhances their other essential competencies, such as entrepreneurship, social media marketing, and business analytics. This expands graduates’ skillsets to meet the needs of today’s business environment. They excel in leadership, teamwork, healthy lifestyle practices and lifelong learning; they become trend leaders, innovators, critical thinkers, and creative problem solvers; and they deploy effective communication and interpersonal skills. They are biliterate and trilingual, and they serve as informed and ethical leaders who promote social and national responsibility, engage in local and international affairs, act as responsible global citizens, and exhibit cultural and aesthetic appreciation with a global perspective. 2766 6500
數碼時裝設計高級文憑課程:香港都會大學李嘉誠專業進修學院(教學伙伴:製衣業訓練局) 課程特點:
3120 9988
設計學高級文憑課程:明愛白英奇專業學校 課程提供3個專修學科:時裝設計、平面設計及室內建築,旨在提供一個平台讓學生晉身不同範疇的創意行業。以時裝設計專修學科為例,涵蓋多個科目包括:設計的電腦繪圖、設計製作、布料與原料、紙樣發展、時裝設計的研究專題等。 3702 4388
時裝營銷及管理深造文憑課程:香港大學專業進修學院 It is designed to provide opportunities for marketing or retailing practitioners in the fashion business to develop the knowledge, international perspective and managerial skills required to enhance their company’s competitiveness, innovative capabilities and brand reputation. It also helps students acquire analytical skills to pursue a career in the fashion business. 2867 8315
